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Marcas & Marca's / Models /

General concepts:
The Models and Industrial Designs in Argentina have fifteen years of validity, in the following way: are granted for an initial term of five years starting from the date of concession of the models, and they can be renovated by two periods of five years each until completing the indicated fifteen years term.
Argentina as adherent to the Agreement of Paris it recognizes for the Models and Industrial Designs a term of six months to claim priority for this Agreement.

The request of the deposit of a Model or Industrial Design: you should get ready an application for which are necessary the following elements:
+ Descriptive memory and drawings of the model or industrial design.
+ Name and address of the applicant.
+ Form of power attorney (see power of attorney), legalized by the Argentine
   consulate in the country of origin, or by Apostille (La Haya Convention).
+ If priority is claimed, certified copy according to agreement of Paris, granted by
   the originary models and designs office.

The request of renovation of a Model or Industrial Design: you should get ready an application of renovation, for which are necessary the following elements:
+ Original certificate of the model or design to be renovated.
+ Form of power of attorney (see power of attorney), legalized by the Argentine
   consulate in the country of origin, or by Apostille (La Haya Convention).

The request of transfer of a Model or Industrial Design: you should get ready a transfer application, for which are necessary the following elements:
+The original certificate of the model or industrial design that is going to be
+ Name and address of the new owner.
+ The power of attorney of the new owner (see power of attorney), legalized by
   Argentine consulate in originary country, or by Apostille (La Haya Convention).
+ Sale or transferred contract of the model or industrial design, as legalized as the

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